Productcode: 8035
Supplier: Neogen Ireland Ltd.
Package size: 48 wells

Product information

Materials Provided

  1. 48 antibody-coated microwells
  2. 48 red-marked mixing wells
  3. 4 yellow-labeled bottles of 0, 5, 15 and 50 ppb aflatoxin controls
  4. 1 blue-labeled bottle of aflatoxin-HRP conjugate solution
  5. 1 green-labeled bottle of K-Blue® Substrate solution
  6. 1 red-labeled bottle of Red Stop solution
  7. 25 MAX 2 Aqueous Extraction Packets
  8. 1 pink-labeled bottle of dilution diluent

Contact our specialist

For more information from Labema’s specialist. The specialist for this product is Iiris Ylöstalo.

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