Fiber Filter bags for finely ground samples

Productcode: F58
Supplier: ANKOM
Package size: 100 pcs

Product information

Fiber filter bag for ANKOM fiber analyzers. The F58 filter bag is mainly designed for customers working with small grind size samples (0.5 – 1.0 mm screens) to support NIR analysis and some samples known for significant pulverization during grinding, regardless of screen size. 

The porosity of the F58 filter bags are finer than the F57 but have increased flow capacity because of the type of polymer used to make the filter matrix. 

Fiber Filter bags for finely ground samples

Contact our specialist

For more information from Labema’s specialist. The specialist for this product is Iiris Ylöstalo.

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Suodatinpussi kuituanalyyseihin, 200kpl

Productcode: F57
Package size: 200 kpl