Productcode: PL8009
Supplier: Pro-Lab Diagnostics UK
Package size: 100 ml
Acridine Orange is intended for use in staining for Trichomonas vaginalis, yeast and other bacteria in vaginal smears. The stain itself is a fluorochrome (or a fluorescent stain) which causes DNA and RNA to fluoresce green and orange respectively. The standard staining method is as follows:
i) Prepare the smear of material to be examined. Allow to air dry and fix in Methanol for 1 minute.
ii) Apply Acridine Orange for 10 seconds.
iii) Remove excess stain by rinsing the slide in water. Shake off any excess.
iv) Decolourise in an alcohol/saline* solution for 10 seconds.
v) Rinse the slide in a saline solution (0.85% Sodium Chloride aqueous solution).
vi) Mount in a saline solution (0.85% Sodium Chloride aqueous solution) and apply a coverslip.
vii) Examine wet mounts under the fluorescent microscope using objective x 40.
* 250 ml of alcohol/saline solution:
5 ml IMS 99
245 ml Deionised water
2 g Sodium Chloride
When the Acridine Orange staining procedure is performed correctly the results should read as follows:
Trichomonas vaginalis Orange-red with yellow green nuclei
Yeast cells Orange
Bacteria Orange
Leucocytes Yellow-green
Epithelial cells Yellow-green
Control Results
C. albicans should appear as orange-golden coloured cells which stand out against a dark background.
For more information from Labema’s specialist. The specialist for this product is Iiris Ylöstalo.