RedISwab 10 ml Buffered Peptone Water

Productcode: RS96010BPW
Supplier: Neogen Ireland Ltd.
Package size: 100 pcs

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For more information from Labema’s specialist. The specialist for this product is Iiris Ylöstalo.

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Efficacy and Downstream Compatibility of the Respiratory Sigma Collection Device
The pre-analytical phase of the total laboratory testing process is where the majority of laboratory errors occur and represents the most labour intensive, least standardized aspect of the process. Specimen processing is one of the most important steps in the pre-analytical phase as downstream reading, interpretation and reporting by technical staff is heavily dependent on the quality of specimen setup. In this study, the Copan SL™ solution device (Copan Italia; Brescia, Italy) and the MWE Sigma SP™ liquid collection device containing a novel mucolytic agent were used. The recovery of M. tuberculosis DNA at a constant level (CT 15-18) following storage of up to 48hrs at both room temperature and 4˚C was achieved for the MWE Sigma SP™ collection device. The Copan SL™ solution device showed variable results at both room temperature and at 4˚C. The novel mucolytic agent demonstrated good mucolytic action and it enabled the emulsification of sputum and mucus resulting in a homogenous suspension allowing for easier, more consistent and reproducible planting and streaking of specimens. In addition, the Sigma SP™ collection device demonstrated compatibility with the FilmArray® system, as well as the BD MGIT™ system and Cepheid GeneXpert® for the detection of MTB complex.
Dutch Guideline on the Laboratory Detection of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has rapidly emerged worldwide, affecting both healthcare and community settings, and intensive livestock industry. The efficient control of MRSA strongly depends on its adequate laboratory detection. This guideline provides recommendations on the appropriate use of currently available diagnostic laboratory methods for the timely and accurate detection of MRSA in patients and healthcare workers. Herewith, it aims to standardise and improve the diagnostic laboratory procedures that are used for the detection of MRSA in Dutch medical microbiology laboratories.