ANKOM A200 Fiber Analyzer

Productcode: A200I
Supplier: ANKOM
Package size: 1 pcs

Product information

ANKOM A200 Fiber Analyzer

  • Supports Acid Detergent Fiber, Neutral Detergent Fiber, and Crude Fiber determinations for all feeds and forages
  • Ability to process up to 24 samples at a time
  • Used by laboratories in over 120 countries
  • Filter Bag Technology encapsulates sample which prevents error and allows filtration to occur passively
  • Eliminates technician variability
  • Improves accuracy and precision
  • No separate filtration step
  • Reduces labor costs
  • Less bench space required

ANKOM A200 Fiber Analyzer

Contact our specialist

For more information from Labema’s specialist. The specialist for this product is Iiris Ylöstalo.

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Suodatinpussi kuituanalyyseihin, 200kpl

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